
Koehler K87490 Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Update Terakhir
19 Jul 2024
Negara Asal
United States
Pembelian Min
1 unit

Test Method

For flash and fire point of all petroleum products, except fuel oils and those having an open cup flash below 79°C (175°F).


Conforms to the specifications of:ASTM D92; IP 36, 403; ISO 2592; AFNORT60-118; EN 22592; DIN 51376


  • Conforms to ASTM D92 and related specifications

  • Simple automation routine for easy operation

  • Flash point operation between ambient and 400°C

  • Flash and Fire Point detection by Ionization Ring

  • Gas or electric ignition

  • Data Storage: 200 results

  • Automatic gas cut-off at the end of the test

  • Equipped with Emergency Safety Switch


The automated Cleveland Open Cup flash point tester accurately determinesflash and fire point temperatures of viscous petroleum products including oilsand bitumens over an extended temperature range. When examining highlyviscous specimens, a preheating time and temperature are set in order toliquefy the sample for testing. The surface skin from bituminous samples canbe removed with a skimmer. The flash/fire point tests are simply conducted bymounting the flash cup filled with sample into the test position and selectinga pre-programmed test method or the search mode to determine anapproximate flash point. The test results are automatically corrected tostandard pressure (101.3 kPa). Equipped with a differential Pt-100 RTD probe,the system is designed to duplicate the response time of a mercury-in-glassthermometer. Multiple sensors continually monitor instrument function,displaying an error message if a problem is detected. The performance of theionization sensor which detects the flash and fire points is continuouslymonitored, and the user is notified upon the need of replacement. If a flash isnot detected 20°C above the expected flash point or at 420°C, then the testis automatically aborted for safety. The system is easily interfaced with anexternal PC for operation and method updates. When performing a test, thesystem will display the stirring speed, temperature curve (also printed out),and current test status. The system alerts the user if the first application of theignitor results in a flash or if no flash point is detected at the end of the testprogram. If a flash is not detected 30°C above the expected flash point or at400°C, then the test is automatically aborted for safety.

Included Accessories

  • Ticket Printer

  • Test Cup

  • PT100 Probe

  • Detection Cable

  • Gas Tubing

  • RS232C Output

  • Data Acquisition Software

Electrical Requirements

115V 60Hz 1000W

230V 50Hz 1000W

Alat Laboratorium Umum

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